Historický Express Parný vlak- Historical Express Steam Train |
V Čiernom lese išiel historický rýchlik s parnou lokomotívou zo Stuttgartu cez Karlsruhe Seebrugg. Postavený v roku 1934 Krupp parnou lokomotívou 01,1533 bol váš najlepší na Čierny les železnice. Lokomotíva bola umiestnená na Nemeckých ríšskych než 01.116 v prevádzke a dnes patrí k Rakúsku. Bol to historický číslo vlaku D 12 mi zvolený. In the Black Forest a historical Fast train with steam locomotive from Stuttgart via Karlsruhe to Seebrugg was traveling. The built in 1934 by Krupp steam locomotive 01.1533 was your best on the Black Forest Railway. The locomotive was placed at the Deutsche Reichsbahn than 01,116 in service and today belongs to Austria. It was a historic train number D 12 elected me.