skúšobná jazda s vlakom IC 2 |
25. septembra 2020 sa uskutočnila skúšobná jazda s vlakom IC 2 a rušňom 147.565-6 ako DPG 25333 z Karlsruhe do Radolfzell na Schwarzwaldskej železnici. Rušňovodiči boli na tomto rušni vyškolení a bolo stanovené, či tento typ vlaku dokáže udržiavať cestovné časy na horskej trase Schwarzwaldská železnica. Snímka bola urobená v Groppertale medzi St Geeorgen a Villingen za veľmi nepriaznivého počasia. On September 25, 2020, a test drive with an IC 2 train and the locomotive 147.565-6 as DPG 25333 took place from Karlsruhe to Radolfzell on the Black Forest Railway. The locomotive drivers were trained on this locomotive and it was determined whether this type of train can keep the travel times on the mountain route of the Black Forest Railway. The picture was taken in Groppertal between St Geeorgen and Villingen in very bad weather.